One day Broccoli, Peanut, and Noodle went to the beach (again).
When they got in the water Peanut thought she saw Olive. "Is that Olive over there?!"
"Awe! BIRDY!.............oh crap.... (litterely...)"
"Yea... that's definately her."
Just then Olive noticed Peanut and Broccoli. "Hey guys!" she said.
Just then, Olive thought she heard a noise behind her. "Is that a.....SHARK???!!!"
But it wasn't really a shark... it was Noodle. "HAHAHA! YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE OLIVE!"
"Um... Noodle... behind you..."
"You fool! I'm not a shark! (but you did fall for my trick...)"
The End...??